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Women's Health

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Women’s Health

Women need all the services all our clients get, including general examinations, health checks, blood pressure monitoring, blood tests, cardiac test and so on. For the more health conscious we have the services of a nutritionist and a sports and exercise doctor. And if something were to go amiss, a physiotherapist and orthopaedic surgeon too.

Women’s health however goes way beyond that and the diverse team of doctors attending St. Andrews is perfectly catered for these needs. 



Provided by both one of our Medical Doctors as well as our Consultant Gynaecologist, this all-important screening test is the best way to detect the early cellular changes in the development of cervical cancer. The earlier the detection the greater the chances of successful treatment.



The second tool in the fight against cervical cancer. Studies have shown a direct correlation between the HPV virus and cervical cancer. Preventing HPV infection reduces drastically the risk of cervical cancer. Various vaccine options are available at St Andrews.


Blood tests and urine tests are both available. Speak to one of our GPs should you have any concerns and for guidance on the choice of tests.


Though not the only condition to affect the breasts, cancer is another instance where screening is strongly recommended. Breast examinations are the mainstay, followed by imaging. For the under 40’s the best imaging is Breast Ultrasound (also available at St Andrews – click here). Should we feel you need a mammogram we are ready to refer you for one.


Other screening tests available to women include the Ca125 blood test, for ovarian cancer, important to be used in conjunction with a pelvic ultrasound. The Ca 15-3 can also be used to help detection of breast cancer. It is important that these tests are accompanied by a proper history and examination and since they are not 100% conclusive, depending on the lever of suspicion, they may need to be followed up by a surgical consultation.


These include pelvic examinations, pelvic ultrasounds, contraception advice, family planning and treatment of menopause.


Our GPs, Consultant Obstetrician and Ultrasonographers can follow you through all stages of pregnancy. From diagnosis of pregnancy, confirmatory ultrasound, consultant follow ups, blood pressure and blood sugar monitoring, foetal development monitoring and so on. CLICK HERE for more information about our pelvic and antenatal ultrasounds.

General Practitioner Services

General Practitioner Services

St. Andrews Clinics offers a daily GP service, each morning Monday to Friday at 10:00 onwards, each afternoon Monday to Friday from 16:00 onwards.

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