Services › Vaccinations
Vaccinations can be divided into Childhood Vaccinations, Adult Vaccinations, and Travel Vaccinations.
Childhood immunisation in the private sector includes all those recommended in the National Immunisation Schedule. There are, however, a number of differences:
In the private sector, some vaccines are combined into single injections, such as the six-in-one (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Polio, Haemophilus, and Hepatitis B) or the teenage four-in-one DTP+P (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, and Polio). This may affect the timing of the vaccine. There is also the option to spread vaccinations over more sessions to avoid having more than 2 injections per visit. Finally, in the private market there is also a larger selection of vaccines that, although not obligatory, are highly recommended. Examples include vaccines against chickenpox and against several types of meningitis.
Below is a chart of the National Immunisation Schedule, followed by a suggested Private Clinic Schedule including the optional vaccines highlighted in green in the list. A double spot in the box means two doses within the same year period. The actual ages and timings can vary depending on each child’s particular circumstances and one must always seek the advice of one’s paediatrician or GP.
Pneumococcal (1)
Meningococcal B
Meningococcal ACWY
Hepatitis B
Vaccination Schedule
Please note that all vaccines given at St. Andrews Clinics, are against payment, and can can be purchased on site.
(1) In the National schedule the 10 valent is used.
(2) In the private market the Hepatitis B is available as a six-in-one preparation together with diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio and HIB.
(3) In the private market the pneumococcal 20 valent is now available.
(4) In the private market several brands available. ACWY preferred over those against Men C.
(5) For those under ten years.
(6) MMR - measles, mumps and rubella vaccines combined.
(7) For those children over ten if not previously taken.
(8) This follows on the 6 in 1 but teens only need diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis and polio at this age.
(9) Influenza vaccine recommended to be taken annually from the age of 6 months upwards.
2 mths
3 mths
4 mths
5 mths
6 mths
12 mths
13 mths
14 mths
15 mths
18 mths
3-4 yrs
12 yrs
14-16 yrs
6 in 1 (2)
Pneumococcal (3)
Meningococcal ACWY (4)
Meningococcal B (5)
MMR (6)
Meningococcal B (7)
4 in 1 (8)
Influenza (9)
Most destinations would require that one be up to date with the basic vaccinations, notably the DTP+P, Hep B and MMR. In the case of the first two, if more than ten years have elapsed since the last dose, then a booster dose is recommended. In all cases, if the vaccines were never given or the courses never completed, then the situation would also need to be rectified.
Other travel vaccines depend on the destination. By far the most commonly required are Hepatitis A and typhoid, which protect against food and water borne illnesses. Yellow fever, Cholera and Rabies may be mandatory, depending on the particular travel destination(s). More specialised vaccines may be needed for more particular destinations. Speak to one of our doctors with your travel plans and we will be happy to guide you.
Contrary to popular belief, vaccinations do not stop with school! Adults are strongly urged to keep up to date with any boosters or fill in any gaps if they may have missed a dose for whatever reason during their school years.
Boosters would include the DTP+P, to be taken every ten years, and the Hepatitis B, also needing a boost every ten years. Depending on one’s lifestyle, Hepatitis A should also be considered. The influenza vaccine is also recommended to be taken on a yearly basis.
Vaccines that are commonly missed during school years include the last dose of DTP+P, very often only remembered when one needs a tetanus shot. Another commonly missed vaccine is the MMR, sometimes due to unfounded fears associated with this vaccination. As events have shown with the recent measles outbreak, it is important to check one’s vaccination status to rectify any deficiencies, if needed. Finally, recent years have seen the increased use of the HPV vaccine, to prevent genital warts and cervical and anal cancer. Ideally taken during the school age years, many would not have had the opportunity to do so. However one can now catch up and take it even as an adult.
There are three vaccines particularly recommended in the above 50s age group:
Pneumococcal Vaccine - with the latest 20-valent version that covers for 20 strains of pneumonia causing bacteria. This gives an all important protection again the more severe types of pneumonia prevalent in that age group.
Shingles Vaccine - finally available in Malta. Shingles has the potential to be quite severe in this age group, widespread, and with complications. The shingles vaccine has been shown to offer protection against that.
Influenza Vaccine - though recommended for all age groups, influenza can be very debilitating in the elderly with risks of pneumonia, hospitalisation an complications.
Covid Vaccine - currently only available from Government centres, and the mainstay of protection against severe Covid, complications and hospitalisations.

General Practitioner Services
St. Andrews Clinics offers a daily GP service, each morning Monday to Friday at 10:00 onwards, each afternoon Monday to Friday from 16:00 onwards.