Announcing the addition of Mr. Colin Ng, Specialist Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgeon, to our team at St. Andrews Clinics.

Mr. Colin Ng will complement and add to our growing list of services in the field of Musculoskeletal and Arthritic Disorders.
This includes:
Professor Andrew Borg - Consultant Rheumatologist - Offering consultations, investigations, infiltrations.
Dr. Lucienne Attard - Consultant in Sports & Exercise Medicine - Offering consultations, investigations, infiltrations, acupuncture, kinesiology taping and PRP
Mr. Jeremy Ellul - Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist - Offering manual physiotherapy, joint mobilisation, kinesiology taping and exercise therapy.
Dr. Andre Gatt - Consultant Radiologist - Offering Musculoskeletal Ultrasounds among a vast range of ultrasound services.