Diagnostic Ultrasound › Cardiac Echo
Cardiac Echo
Cardiac Echos, otherwise known as echocardiograms, are a very useful tool in the detection and management of various heart conditions. They are still ultrasounds using special waves and special software to create images and see the real time movement of the heart. This technology is combined with Doppler technology which can see how the blood flows through the heart chambers, heart valves and blood vessels, and in the process measure its speed and pressure changes as it does so. This way we do not just see the structure of the heart but its function too.
The list of indications for this test includes:
Investigation of abnormal heart sounds, murmurs
Investigation of enlarged heart
Investigation of chest pain
Investigation of shortness of breath or palpitations
Investigation of congenital heart defects
Things that can be seen on cardiac echo include:
Structure and function of heart valves
Assessment of function of artificial valves
Size and shape of heart chambers
Size and shape of heart muscle (cardiomyopathy)
Efficiency of heart pumping (ejection fraction)
Tumours or blood clots inside the heart
Fluid around the heart
No particular preparation is required for this investigation but be aware the examination is done from the anterior chest wall so wear appropriate clothing to give ample access to the area.

Antenatal Monitoring
From confirmation and dating of pregnancy to monitoring development and health of the foetus.