Diagnostic Ultrasound › Breast Ultrasounds
Breast Ultrasounds
Though the mainstay of breast investigations is the mammogram, especially in screening programs for the over 40s age group, breast ultrasounds still have a very important function. In simple terms, a breast ultrasound is most often done to find out if a lesion found by a mammogram or by a physical examination of the breast may be a cyst filled with fluid (usually benign) or is solid (which may be non-cancerous, but also potentially cancerous). It is particularly useful if:
You have particularly dense breast tissue
You are under the age of 40
You are pregnant
You have breast implants
Breast ultrasounds also give us the opportunity:
To look at the nearby lymph nodes
To cary out guided needle biopsies
To remove fluid from cysts
Note: a breast ultrasound may still need to be followed by a mammogram or an MRI if the radiologist deems it necessary.
No particular preparation is required for this investigation.

Antenatal Monitoring
From confirmation and dating of pregnancy to monitoring development and health of the foetus.