Services › Audiology Services
Audiology Services
Audiology Services are now available at St Andrews Clinics. They are being offered by Mr Glen Camilleri (CLICK HERE for more details), a state registered audiologist, using state of the art portable technology, and available to all ages above the age of one year.
Audiology is the science of hearing and balance and involves the assessment, management and rehabilitation of people with hearing and balance problems and other associated disorders. These include:
General ear pathologies
Vestibular issues and dizziness
Tympanic membrane disorders
Middle ear pathologies
Assessment of reflexes for the diagnosis of acoustic neuroma/vestibular schwannoma
The mainstay of the audiology clinic is in the assessment and management of hearing loss. Pure tone audiometry is used and a range of hearing aids can be made available depending on the findings of the tests and the clients own particular circumstances.
All queries are welcome and we invite you to contact us by email or phone. Please click on the Contact Us page for our details.
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General Practitioner Services
St. Andrews Clinics offers a daily GP service, each morning Monday to Friday at 10:00 onwards, each afternoon Monday to Friday from 16:00 onwards.